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2003/12/23 11:21 点击:2229 转发:0 评论:0
罗马---Monday, 22 December 2003 22:22:30 [upload=jpg]UploadFile/2003122311202281446.jpg[/upload] “在被出示红牌后,我确实犯了一个错误,但是克拉迪心里很明白这是他先挑衅的,只不过他很狡猾罢了。”阿尔梅达国际米兰和拉齐奥的比赛结束后一天,谈起他在被裁判Biancocelest红牌警告后1分钟内所发生的事时说道。 “他是个不错的家伙。”阿尔梅达对罗马的“Radio Radio”解释到,“但是那个时候我确实很生气,因为我不过是在做一个很普通的且不是针对球员的战术铲人,就像所有比赛里都有的一样,但是他却硬要我道歉,而且还不停的谩骂.....那个时候我确实失去了理智,我得承认他比我狡猾很多。” 即使如此,这位阿根廷国家队的中场悍将仍然十分懊悔,“作为一个球员,我确实不应该这么情绪化,特别是将这种情绪付诸于暴力。为此,我要向所有人道歉。”阿尔梅达继续说道,“但是,这并不是我平常处事的方法。自从来到国际米兰后,我只得过3张牌。但是在昨天,我失去了应有的冷静,让不该发生的事情发生了。我当时太失控了。” “当然,当你试图对裁判解释什么的时候,那是冒一定风险的,但是,不管怎样,我仍然希望最终的结果是只有一场禁赛。” “对于那张被拿走的红牌,我记得不是很清。在那个时候我失去了理智。而我夺走它是因为真的实在不想被罚下去。” “我让球迷们失望了吗?确实是,他们对待这些的时候总是容易遗忘,就像我在拉齐奥效力的时,尽了最大的努力踢好球,很明显,他们(球迷)已经不记得了。” 这位国际米兰队的中场球员同时也因为将从观众席上抛下的矿泉水瓶扔上去而受到了批评。对此,他回应说:“当时我一个人,面对的是的全场的7万观众。他们抛东西下来企图弄伤我,而我把它们扔了回去以示抗议。当然,对我们这方来说,这确实不是一个友好的表示....但是我不会因此而忘了在拉齐奥,在罗马所度过的一切美好时光。” 此外,阿尔梅达并不认为是他的鲁莽举动导致了国米的失利:“我们踢得并不好,拉齐奥他们比我们表现得更出色。在赛后,扎切罗尼说了很多关于比赛,战术的问题,但是并没有说到那件事,因为这种事太经常发生了。” 但是,即使如此,阿根廷人并不想把比赛中发生的一切和他的退役宣言联系在一起:“我会在我和国际米兰的合同到期的时候,考虑是否继续我的职业生涯。但是,其中还有很多额外的因素影响我的决定。我的竞技状态依然很好,昨天我度过了30岁的生日,虽然它并不是那么愉快。” 关于国米到目前为止的成绩,阿尔梅达说:“自从扎切罗尼来了以后,我们全队融合的很好。在这一点上,没有人存在异议。” ROME - (ANSA) "I made a mistake after the red card, but Corradi knows he was wrong before. He was just more cunning than me," said Matias Almeyda the day after Lazio v Inter, during which he was sent off a minute after being booked for a foul on the Biancocelesti striker. "Corradi is a good person," explained Almeyda to Roman radio 'Radio Radio'. "But I got angry because I committed a tactical foul on him, a normal episode which often happens, and he told me I had to say sorry to him and he continued the sentence... I lost it and he was more cunning than me." But the Argentina midfielder is regretful. "As a player I can't let violence be seen on the pitch and I say sorry to everyone for this," continued Almeyda . "But this isn't the way I do things; it's the third card I've been shown since I came to Italy. But yesterday I lost my cool and what happened shouldn't have happened. I was out of mind. "Sure, when you say something to the referee you risk something more, but in any case I'm expecting a one-match ban. "I don't remember anything about the stolen red card; I was out of my mind in that moment. I took it from him because I didn't want to be sent off... "Am I disappointed with the fans? Yes, because they don't remember anything about football. When I played for Lazio I gave my best, but they obviously don't remember. The Nerazzurri midfielder was also criticised for throwing a bottle which was thrown at him from the stands. He responded: "I was one against seventy thousand and I can't accept this. And then they throw something to hurt me and I throw it back. Sure, it's not a nice gesture on my part... But Lazio are always in my heart: an episode like this won't make me forget what I lived through in Rome." Almeyda doesn't believe his sending-off affected the outcome of the match: "We didn't play a good game, Lazio played better. Zaccheroni talked about the football and not about episodes. These things often happen, I don't agree with what I did after." But the Argentine certainly won't take the sending-off into account if he decides to quit football at the end of the season. "I'm thinking about it because my contract with Inter expires and I have to see how I will continue my career. But there are other reasons for my opinions. I'm still in good physical shape, I turned thirty yesterday, even though it wasn't a nice day." Talking in general about the Nerazzurri's progress, Almeyda said: "Our game has come together since Zaccheroni arrived. The results have come and we have a footballing identity."



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